Saturday, October 14, 2006

Perhaps PBeM would be a better choice...

We played a new creation of Professor Curtis’ last night, Blankety-Blank, which explores the social mores and taboos of cursing in our culture. Basically, we sit around the table and argue over topics, the pivotal moment coming when each of us decides whether or not to curse to illustrate our point. Unfortunately, one of his associates from his philosophy class played with us and it turned out he had Tourette’s Syndrome, which ruined a lot of the artistic elements for us. After that the Professor said he though it might work better as an online RPG, since he was pretty certain people with Tourette’s didn’t type that way, but then I reminded him of Gareth-Michael Skarka.


Blogger Cornell Richardson said...

I see you've played this game before! Funny, Professor Curtis did't mention any earlier playtest groups, but I suppose he knows what he's doing!

4:13 AM  
Blogger Cornell Richardson said...

Pfft! Utter Wrongist tripe! And, pray tell, why should we take advice from someone who marketed a game system entitled d4-d4? I've got news for you, d4 minus d4 equals ZERO lol!

bob-jim, you can pretend to be having fun, but I know deep down you know you'd be having more fun if you weren't having any at all.

4:41 AM  
Blogger Cornell Richardson said...

Well, I can see you are a man of true depth and insight. Perhaps I can review d4-d4 one of these days!

I believe the Professor said diceless games such as Nobilis and Amber came about from people no longer wishing to step on d4s. I can't see how that could be wrong.

5:02 AM  
Blogger Cornell Richardson said...

Only at those Rageaholics Anonymous classes my mother attended a few years back. He got an F.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey rpg pro, have you met Wayne Newton?

I have, his smile is a big as it seems on TV. Now shut your diehole, adults are talking.

I have to say that Professor Curtis may have another unloved, unhearalded,and woefully unsold super-hit on his hands. I mean I like the idea of a game that forces us to choose our words carefully, that is without a swearing jar, though I gotta say that the proceeds from my own swearing jar will pay for at least the gas for GenCon '08, if not a trip to the moon.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zweihander, your comment has me thinking: perhaps it might be beneficial for some gaming groups (I'm thinking of those struggling earnestly with tendencies toward Pseudo-Correctivism)to have a kind of "Wrongness Jar," that would serve a similar purpose to a swearing jar ... In any moments where they stray from Correctivism, they pony up and, over the long run, reinforce Correct gaming habits and perhaps end up providing a fund that could benefit the cause in some way.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Cornell Richardson said...

Interesting! I do wonder if perhaps this is a feasible concept, a swearing jar. But what to do with the funds--back an off-Broadway musical based on Dogs In The Vineyard? Dogs! just might be the critics' favorite of the season.

12:38 AM  

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